House building

Prestressed concrete beam and block flooring for residential house building

From foundations to concrete staircases and landings, the concrete used in house building has been designed and tested to withstand the tensile and compressive loads that it will be subjected to over their lifetime.

Whether used in low-rise residential buildings, high-rise towers, care homes or student accommodation, concrete is a cost-effective, energy efficient and long-term building solution.

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Beam & block solutions

In low-rise residential house building, our beam & block solutions provide easy to install flooring solutions. Used on both the ground and upper floors, prestressed concrete beams have a longer span than timber beams, and offer good sound and thermal insulation. An example of our beam & block flooring can be seen in Lawford, Essex, where Poundfield Precast have delivered 21,000l/m of 150mm beams and 70,000 infill blocks to Rose Builders for their flagship Summers Park development.

High-rise buildings

In increasingly tall high-rise buildings, concrete plays an ever-important role in their construction. From the frame to the components, concrete provides easy to seal edging, offering demonstrable airtightness. It’s inherent high thermal mass qualities also allows for good heat moderation, providing fewer spikes in heating or cooling requirements.


Get in touch with our beam & block department

Our experienced sales team is always on hand to help and advise you on the features and benefits of all of our block & beams products. We would be more than happy to help you discuss the wide variety of options on offer.

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