When considering precast concrete specialist finishes are often overlooked at a manufacturing stage.
More often or not this requirement is carried out on site once the pre cast has been installed. These labour intensive operations result in longer periods on site, often with an increase of activities leading to greater issues for health & safety.
At Poundfield we promote specialist finishes and offer this as part of our bespoke package. From a simple exposed aggregate through to complex impression finishes.
Using the most up to date designs in rubber matting any appearance can be given to precast concrete, and more importantly, this finish can be repeated time after time in a factory controlled environment. Pre cast brick faced panels have become a popular choice in recent years, and we can provide numerous examples of this on request.
When a specialist finish is asked for you can be sure the life of the finish will out live any post applied finish, when designed correctly it will naturally blend into its surroundings.
More often or not this requirement is carried out on-site once the precast concrete has been installed. These labour intensive operations result in longer periods on site, often with an increase of activities leading to greater issues for health & safety.
At Poundfield we promote specialist finishes and offer this as part of our bespoke package. From a simple exposed aggregate through to complex impression finishes.
Using the most up to date designs in rubber matting any appearance can be given to precast concrete, and more importantly, this finish can be repeated time after time in a factory controlled environment. Precast brick faced panels have become a popular choice in recent years, and we can provide numerous examples of this on request.
When a specialist finish is asked for you can be sure the life of the finish will outlive any post applied finish. When designed correctly it will naturally blend into its surroundings.
Permanently exposed to view, architectural concrete requires special attention to the materials used, their placement and the finish. The use of specialist finishes and local building materials helps precast concrete to blend in with its surroundings. With the most up-to-date designs created using rubber matting, any appearance can be applied off-site. Depending on your requirements, our architectural concrete can be supplied in a variety of textures and finished using a range of specialist techniques and aggregates. At the prestigious Morelands & Riverdale project alongside the river Thames at Hampton, we applied an exposed aggregate surface to concrete panels which ran the length of the site.
Our experienced sales team is always on hand to help and advise you on the features and benefits of all of our bespoke concrete products. We would be more than happy to help you discuss the wide variety of options on offer.
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