Beam & block flooring: our beams

Beam & block flooring: our beams

Our precast concrete beams are suitable for use in a number of building projects, from one off properties to multi-million pound developments.

Poundfield beams are made from a precision steel mould using pre-stressed steel wires covered in a bespoke concrete design to give a high quality product, this process enables Poundfield to have a superior finish to other suppliers known as Wet-Cast finish or A-Grade.

Wet-cast beams are more operative friendly than extruded beams. With the smooth wet-cast finish, no further work is required on the product.

Extruded beams are commonly left with further maintenance required on the beams by means of removing snots and burrs. This maintenance needs to be done prior to block placing otherwise blocks sit proud/uneven into the floor.

One of the key things to get confirmed early is the block specification for sites. These can often be found on the Architects/Engineer plans and is vital for the pricing element of the project and most importantly the design of the floors.

Each block has it’s own self-weight and guide to where they can and cannot be used.

A few examples of universal infill blocks – CEMEX 1400, Lignacite GP, Celcon 3.5N Standard. When a build is getting to digging stage on foundations, the question of blocks must be asked.

For higher loadings, the W1 and D1 beams can span even further and help to reduce foundations costs.

To select the correct beams for your project, speak to a member of our sales team.

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Residential beams – N1 & T3

Figures are clear span – including 200 mm bearing (100 mm either end)

Commercial beams – W1 & D1

Figures are clear span – including 200 mm bearing (100 mm either end)

Using Greenbloc for your beam & block projects

The necessity to limit global warming to no more than 1.5oC above pre-industrial levels has been well documented and publicised. The science could not be any clearer. The world has to reduce CO2 emissions to as close to zero as possible by the middle of this century.

The UK Government has committed to reaching net zero by 2050 and every business, organisation and individual has a part to play in achieving this.

Concrete is the most used material on the planet and as a consequence is a significant contributor of CO2. Up to 90% of greenhouse gas emissions associated with concrete are in the cement1. As a building material, concrete cannot be matched. But as the world’s third highest source of man- made CO2, greener options have become of even greater importance.

As a major precast concrete manufacturer we recognise the contribution we can make to help our customers lower their carbon footprint and this is now our major driver within the business. Products within our Greenbloc range all offer carbon savings compared with using OPC (Ordinary Portland Cement).

In 2021 we launched Greenbloc Ultra which was the UK’s first cement free ultra low carbon dense carbon block, offering carbon savings of up to 77%.

In 2022 41% of PPG (Precast Products Group) major infrastructure projects involved Greenbloc technology.

2023 we offered three levels of Greenbloc. Standard, premium and ultra, offering carbon savings of up to 50%, 70% and 80% respectively.

Now in 2024 we are continuing to help clients lower their carbon footprint.

Cut to ultra-precise measurements

Due to our unique cutting machine – it’s the only one in the country – we can cut 11 beams to different lengths at the same time. This means our production schedules are flexible to tie in with our clients’ demands.

Beams of standard size 30m lengths are cast in our beds. We are then able to provide these beams in various lengths, manufactured to 25mm increments, depending on your requirements. Using infra-red beams for ultra-precise measurements, the 11 beams are arranged to different lengths ready for cutting.

This allows us to turn around your orders quickly.

Concrete Beams Cut
Prestressed beams
Beam cutting - cut to ultra-precise measurements

Contact the beam & block concrete flooring team

If you would like some sales support for your business or branch then please speak to one of the flooring team who would be happy to organise some information to be sent out to you. We can offer branded banners, merchant counter packs with specification sheets for our beams and floor options.

We can also provide training at our factory site for key members of your team to fully understand Beam and Block flooring. Our comprehensive training session will discuss in detail our beam types, demonstrate a beam and block install to help understand the process of how the flooring is installed onto the site and a chance to tour our facility to see how the beams are cast and cut.

Phone us on 01449 723150 or email [email protected]

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