1000 Betaloc blocks near Sevenoaks for Eurodome, Kent

The storage bays will be used to store 5,500 tonnes of salt and 19,000 tonnes of road and asphalt planings.

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Poundfield Precast have recently completed an install of over 1,000 Betaloc blocks which are being used to create 3 large storage bays near Sevenoaks in Kent for Eurodome.

The bays will be used to store 5,500 tonnes of salt and 19,000 tonnes of road and asphalt planings. The bays have now been completed and are in the process of having a covered roof fitted made of a flexible, multi-layered PVC produced by Eurodome. Keeping salt dry is of paramount importance for several reasons. Firstly the environmental impact of salt brine to local water courses can be significant and secondly wet salt can result in wastage via over spreading which has clear financial implications.

As part of the process of producing recycled asphalt planings they go through a process of being heated and therefore the less water the raw material contains, the more sustainable the process is.

Betaloc® Precast Interlocking Concrete Blocks
Eurodome, Kent
Advantages of the Betaloc block
Betaloc® Precast Interlocking Concrete Blocks
Eurodome Install

Advantages of the Betaloc block

One of the main advantages of the Betaloc blocks is the speed in which they can be installed. The interlocking blocks each weigh 2.4 tonnes and are simply laid on top of each other and are held in position by the interlocking lugs. With 2 cast in lifting points, the units are quick to install and once in place the wall is immediately ready for use; the only real requirement prior to installation is to have a sound and level base.

The tops of the wall were capped off with flat surface Betalocs to allow the attachment of the roofing structure by Eurodome.

Betalocs are ideal for both temporary and permanent structures. They’re easy to stack, move and relocate, making them perfect for constructing storage areas, partition walls, perimeter or retaining walls, or to use in areas such as landscaping, flood defences or site security barriers.

View Eurodome’s website for more information on their roofing structures 

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