Mind the gap? Poundfield solves fusion lab’s upgrade puzzle

Poundfield Precast Ltd has come to the aid of the UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) during an upgrade of their Mega Ampere Spherical Tokamak (MAST) fusion experiment.

Posted on: February 2nd 2018    •    Posted in: Case studies, Poundfield Precast news
Poundfield products used at the UK Atomic Energy Authority

In 2012 we supplied 16 blocks that form one of the walls around the main vacuum vessel, a cylinder 4m diameter by 4m high, within which UKAEA conducts fusion tests.

To access the vacuum vessel, part of the blockhouse had to be removed and once the vessel was reinstated, our concrete blocks were used to fill the 6m wide by 6m high gap. At this point it was discovered that an additional block was required – and urgently.

According to James Treadgold, MAST’s Buildings and Infrastructure project manager “filling this wall could have been done a number of ways but the precast blocks from Poundfield Precast have made it much easier and allow us the possibility to remove them in the future if we need to.”

“The blocks are a complex chevron shape to ensure there are no radiation shine paths and were precision cast to precisely fill the gap”.

“Overall, the quality of the blocks is good and coupled with their responsiveness, Poundfield are a pleasure to work with” concluded James.

Tim Evans, Poundfield’s director of bespoke products, explained “the key issues here were both accuracy in manufacturing the additional block to ensure compliance with those previously supplied and a swift turnaround given its vital importance to UKAEA. I’m pleased to say that we scored highly on both.”

Matt Moss, Poundfield’s commercial director added “the research work being conducted by UKAEA is of national and indeed international importance in terms of future energy sources. I’m proud that we continue to have a supporting role in this project.”

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